Sunday, July 09, 2006

The other side

I am confused about the purpose of life and what and where am i heading to. It seems

this world is full of desires and aspiration, which seems to drive all of us.In fact if we

can take few precious(so called) minutes from this frentic rat race, to think where we are

all heading too, i doubt anyone can answer such a simple question. Because nobody seems to

realize the ultimate challenge or the whole purpose of life.What we all realize as the

ultimate goal be it financial status or fame or anyother motive, is infact not the very

purpose of life.It is quite unfortunate that this mystic/materialistic hinders our view to

see beyond the horizon to realize the very essence of life. That is to lead a well balanced

life where love, harmony and other humane things are given much more importance than

anyother things.

Most of us believe these soft skills doesnt have a place in this materialistic but all of us

have witnessed all these humane things, during the time of natural clamity or during an

terriost attack. When 9/11 or 7/7 or madrid bombings we all were witness to strangers

helping strangers,the outpour of sympathy from people far away from the place of event,

which drives home the point that the humane things still exist deep down in our hearts. It

seems that we all need a stimulation to express and exhibit these things. Do we need a

catastrope be it man-made or natural to express our love and kindness to fellow human

beings? If we can try to express our love to strangers even on ordinary days, i think the

world would be a lot better place to live, filled with laughter and harmony. Lets us shower

our unconditional love to a stranger for one day, see how much of a difference we have made

to him. As the famous FISH! philosophy says "Make it their day". Shall we?

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