Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Call to Honour" - Mr.Singh.

The fact that Mr.Jaswant singh has expressed his full cooperation to the Prime Minister in identifying the "mole" in the PMO office, who had allegedly passed on nuclear secrets to the then US government was indeed quite surprising, because it increases the probable validity of his claim.

If indeed had the "Mole" existed in the PMO during P V Narasimha Rao-led Congress government, and Mr.singh claims in his book "Call to honour" that the "we are still snooped". What in the world had prevented the BJP led government to take action against the "Mole" when they were in power. Or at the least why hadnt Mr.singh revealed this information to the concerned authorities earlier instead of revealing the whole matter in this yet-to-be released book after an decade. Imagine the amount of sensitive information the US govt would have able to get hold off during this time.

The book "Call to honour" will be a sought of Pandora’s Box providing an insight to the diplomacy of the Indian govt. Last time an autobiography / biography (of an politician) which had created so many controversies was coincidentally "The Insider" by P V Narasimha Rao.

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