Friday, July 14, 2006

Good luck montoya!! F1 will miss you.

Juan pabalo montoya(JPM), dumping F1 for NASCAR was the most shocking news for the hardcore F1 fan.Why ,because he has done what no-one in the history of F1 racing had done everbefore, switching to NASCAR from F1.Suddenly everywhere people are talking about the unexpected departure of JPM from F1. Is F1 losing one of its world champion driver, for everyone to be corncerned. No not all, had it been anyother driver other than JPM, i doubt whether it would had a such am impact. JPM was yet another gem, unearthed by Sir patrick williams but unfortunately before he could cut and polish the gem, JPM switched to Mclaren Mercedes under the supervision of Rob Dennis who everyone thought would be able to handle this spicy, colorful south american bcoz of his previous association with the other all time great south american (ayton senna). But to the hard luck of JPM fans, that wasnt the case to be, since Rob dennis had other pressing concerns. So JPM decided to quit. F1 will surely miss JPM because of his instinctive racing skills, and his sheer passion & love for overtaking. In his debut season he sure ruffled most of the existing established F1 drivers by his unique style of racing, the most prominent being the then F1 world champ, Michael Shumacher.He brought life and color to all the F1 races he was involved, by saying what he really fealt about anything.

We will miss you Juan, adeus. todo o mais melhor.

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