Sunday, July 09, 2006

My first blog

Today i have very much decided to start blogging. I didnt want to blog for a very long time and managed to suppress my temptation. But as we know, the change is the only constant in this world, i have decided to start blogging. What shall i blog about, well i will blog about anything under the sun.

I was wondering of all the disruptive technological breakthrough why did blogging catch so fast. Well some of the probable reason can be

a) It provides an wonderful oppurtunity for people to express their opinion without any fear, "Freedom of Speech(expression)" (luckily i am blessed, it is my constitutional right)

b) It is just an extension of the age old habit of dairy writing.

c) It provides a sneak preview of what is going on in another person's mind.

Well i have started what should suppose to be a long and eventful journey. Hopefully i should be blogging very often. As the old adage goes "Well begun is half done".

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