Friday, July 28, 2006

Mother natures wake up call.

In the days of the kings and the queens, the highness will be woken
up,by a band musicians playing music. Today i had felt the same way. It
was well around 5.00 AM when the atmosphere was chill and a gentle breeze
was blowing when i was in a half-sleep state, what neurologist call
Alpha mind state.As i regained my awareness, i realised that i am been
treated to a special symphony to wake me up. The instruments used in the
symphony were all kinds of natural instruments and the "conductor " of
symphony was Mother nature. All kinds of birds that live in my
neighbourhood gave me an arousing wake-up cermony. It was indeed a one of the
Exhilarating experince for me. What way to start your day. Thank you
Mother nature. Love you Mom.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

"Call to Honour" - Mr.Singh.

The fact that Mr.Jaswant singh has expressed his full cooperation to the Prime Minister in identifying the "mole" in the PMO office, who had allegedly passed on nuclear secrets to the then US government was indeed quite surprising, because it increases the probable validity of his claim.

If indeed had the "Mole" existed in the PMO during P V Narasimha Rao-led Congress government, and Mr.singh claims in his book "Call to honour" that the "we are still snooped". What in the world had prevented the BJP led government to take action against the "Mole" when they were in power. Or at the least why hadnt Mr.singh revealed this information to the concerned authorities earlier instead of revealing the whole matter in this yet-to-be released book after an decade. Imagine the amount of sensitive information the US govt would have able to get hold off during this time.

The book "Call to honour" will be a sought of Pandora’s Box providing an insight to the diplomacy of the Indian govt. Last time an autobiography / biography (of an politician) which had created so many controversies was coincidentally "The Insider" by P V Narasimha Rao.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

The differently abled people's plight in a developing economy like india is sure pathetic. It requires a intervention by the government to make sure that these people are properly taken care off.
Recently i had come across two events although unrelated to each other directly but still the had a common connection, the differently abled people.

The aviation industry charges Rs500 for providing "special" services for the differently abled people. Think of it, why should the differently abled shed out extra money for no mistake of them and/or what right does the "regularly" abled person has to charge the extra amount? isnt, it the moral responsibility of the "regularly" abled person to make sure that the differently abled be taken care of. The extra amount charged, will not contribute much to the bottomline of the companies, but if we take care of the differently abled people and treat them without any difference(attitude)the intangible benefits will be greater for both the aviation industry and more so for the individual person.

The other event is that the high court ,of one of the metros, had to intervene to make sure that the metropolitan buses are accessible to the differently abled people. Why is that the govt or the judiciary(as in this case) has to step in to protect and safegaurd the interest of the differently abled people. Why cant the individuals(Corporate CEO's, City Mayors etc) think about the plight of the differently abled people before they take any strategic decision.

High time each and every individual starts to think about this issue and act, if we aspire for a well and truly developed economy(not just in terms of fiscial growth, GDP, but also in terms of human development.)

P.S : Thank god atleast the govt, the judicial system and some concerned individuals are looking after the differently abled people.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Usage of Mobiles - During Calamity

Mobile phones are the means of communication in this modern fast-paced life. It is truly an icon in the global village, enabling people to keep in touch with their nearer and dear ones. Yet at times of catastrophe (natural or man-made), the mobile network fails, because of the unprecedented surge in the traffic. Most of the modern cellular networks are designed to withstand 200% surge in traffic, but during crisis time, the network traffic increases geometrically leading to failure of most of the cellular networks, while some cellular companies have designed their network to reject calls beyond a certain threshold limit.

During crisis time, most of the people try frantically to know about the well-being of their beloved ones by calling them in their mobile phone, realising little that, their cellular operator network is down. This anxiety can cause enormous amount of stress and stress related problems to their health.

Unfortunately the technology hasn’t developed so much, that when there is unexpected surge in the amount of traffic, the networks can dynamically change their operating patterns. The need of the hour is to educate the people about the usage of the mobile phones during the time of crisis, basic things like sending SMS rather voice calls, can enable more people to establish connection with their dear ones at the same time.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Good luck montoya!! F1 will miss you.

Juan pabalo montoya(JPM), dumping F1 for NASCAR was the most shocking news for the hardcore F1 fan.Why ,because he has done what no-one in the history of F1 racing had done everbefore, switching to NASCAR from F1.Suddenly everywhere people are talking about the unexpected departure of JPM from F1. Is F1 losing one of its world champion driver, for everyone to be corncerned. No not all, had it been anyother driver other than JPM, i doubt whether it would had a such am impact. JPM was yet another gem, unearthed by Sir patrick williams but unfortunately before he could cut and polish the gem, JPM switched to Mclaren Mercedes under the supervision of Rob Dennis who everyone thought would be able to handle this spicy, colorful south american bcoz of his previous association with the other all time great south american (ayton senna). But to the hard luck of JPM fans, that wasnt the case to be, since Rob dennis had other pressing concerns. So JPM decided to quit. F1 will surely miss JPM because of his instinctive racing skills, and his sheer passion & love for overtaking. In his debut season he sure ruffled most of the existing established F1 drivers by his unique style of racing, the most prominent being the then F1 world champ, Michael Shumacher.He brought life and color to all the F1 races he was involved, by saying what he really fealt about anything.

We will miss you Juan, adeus. todo o mais melhor.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The other side

I am confused about the purpose of life and what and where am i heading to. It seems

this world is full of desires and aspiration, which seems to drive all of us.In fact if we

can take few precious(so called) minutes from this frentic rat race, to think where we are

all heading too, i doubt anyone can answer such a simple question. Because nobody seems to

realize the ultimate challenge or the whole purpose of life.What we all realize as the

ultimate goal be it financial status or fame or anyother motive, is infact not the very

purpose of life.It is quite unfortunate that this mystic/materialistic hinders our view to

see beyond the horizon to realize the very essence of life. That is to lead a well balanced

life where love, harmony and other humane things are given much more importance than

anyother things.

Most of us believe these soft skills doesnt have a place in this materialistic but all of us

have witnessed all these humane things, during the time of natural clamity or during an

terriost attack. When 9/11 or 7/7 or madrid bombings we all were witness to strangers

helping strangers,the outpour of sympathy from people far away from the place of event,

which drives home the point that the humane things still exist deep down in our hearts. It

seems that we all need a stimulation to express and exhibit these things. Do we need a

catastrope be it man-made or natural to express our love and kindness to fellow human

beings? If we can try to express our love to strangers even on ordinary days, i think the

world would be a lot better place to live, filled with laughter and harmony. Lets us shower

our unconditional love to a stranger for one day, see how much of a difference we have made

to him. As the famous FISH! philosophy says "Make it their day". Shall we?

My first blog

Today i have very much decided to start blogging. I didnt want to blog for a very long time and managed to suppress my temptation. But as we know, the change is the only constant in this world, i have decided to start blogging. What shall i blog about, well i will blog about anything under the sun.

I was wondering of all the disruptive technological breakthrough why did blogging catch so fast. Well some of the probable reason can be

a) It provides an wonderful oppurtunity for people to express their opinion without any fear, "Freedom of Speech(expression)" (luckily i am blessed, it is my constitutional right)

b) It is just an extension of the age old habit of dairy writing.

c) It provides a sneak preview of what is going on in another person's mind.

Well i have started what should suppose to be a long and eventful journey. Hopefully i should be blogging very often. As the old adage goes "Well begun is half done".