Monday, August 15, 2011

Why me?

I was enjoying my cup of piping hot filter coffee sitting inside the Air Conditioned room of the famous Hotel Saravana Bhavan. Unmindful of the fact that only couple of minutes ago I was literally drenched in my own sweat thanks to the blistering heat. Mesmerized in the aroma and the visual appeal of the freshly grounded filter coffee until I was jolted back to reality by a little kid who stepped on my legs. Walking down the corridor was a figure whom I could recognize but couldn’t believe. It was Harish normally an young and infectiously enthusiastic individual however was walking with dropping shoulder and unkempt hair. Something was not quite right. 

Waved by big hand and called him to over to my desk. He dragged himself like a tortoise over to my table. Without uttering another word,  I ordered him his favorite juice. And that’s how it was until we departed. On my way back home I couldn’t resist second guessing what could be his problem. When I reached home Harish had already sent me an SMS thanking for the non interference in the hotel and wanting to meet me later that day. So I choose Besant nagar beach, and met him in the extreme right corner of the beach where there was some privacy yet enjoy the beach. 

'My Life is screwed, and my marriage has broken down completely' the first few words he spoke. Shocked and numbed I had to literally regain my composure. Harish is a moral, religious, self respecting person without any bad habits. 

'Why me of all the people….' Harish asked, breaking . I was remained about the famous Arthur Ashe words  'If I were to say, "God, why me?" about the bad things, then I should have said, "God, why me?" about the good things that happened in my life. ' .But at this juncture I cant be this brutally frank with him. Hence I have to deliberately choose another way to motivate my dear friend.

Not everyone undergoes the same intensity of suffering, yet none of us are ready to acknowledge that the other person is suffering more than me. How can we better understand this rather how can I explain this to my dear friend who is deep sorrow. 

I said, Harish its ok to be dejected and let down, irrespective of whether you deserve it or not. I hope you remember the concept of periodic table which was taught to us. Of all the known 118 chemical elements, only few of them are termed or branded us Precious like Platinum, Gold, Silver. Why? 

Without waiting for his answers I continued, Since these chemical elements or metals possessed certain basic properities which makes them special, properties like Malleability, Ductility, Availability  etc. combination of which makes them a rare metals hence more demand and value for them. Hence these metals are subjected extreme chemical reactions to make the end product more admired, valued and cherished by people all over the world. In the end, the finished product is more valuable & precious than the crude raw metal when its discovered in the earth. Its similar to how the uncut diamond is less precious and valuable than the cut diamond. Since the process of cutting and shaping the raw uncut diamond brings to the attention of the internal good qualities of the diamond. But not every other metal or chemical element is valued or subjected this much chemical process. 

Its similar to the case of Ivory. Although being a bone which has surfaced beyond the layer of skin of the elephant, not every bone is valued or cherished like the tuskers / ivory. The bone which manages to break the skin layer at the proper place like the tusk is labelled as Ivory and valued after. 

In the same way, you having sattvic qualities is a rarity in this fast paced world of instant gratification or in this kali yuga. Since you are blessed with these qualities, god or divine power wants you to evolve or further polish your ability so that you are better prepared to face the real challenges of this world. You may however choose to learn or not to learn from this set back. If you learn another challenging scenario awaits you, testing your previously learnt things. But if you choose not to learn then you will be faced with the same challenge again and again. You may very well become bored of facing the same challenge. I guess you would choose to learn and move on.
Take heart my dear friend that you are facing an unique challenge since you have the basic ingredients in the right amount in the right place.

So fundamentally you are OK!!. There is nothing wrong with you.
It’s the journey which is more interesting rather than the destination. And remember what ever happens, life has to go on and will go on.

As a parting note i told him, Look Harish you are already a winner. There was one in a million chance for you to have fertilized in your mothers womb. And you succeed beating the odds!!! This is nothing.

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