Monday, February 22, 2010

What is manickism?

What is manickism? Ever since i named my blog i have been asked this question a lot many times. Is it communism? or Socialism? or Capitalism? or is it Sufism? Doesnt it sound bit outdated? Am i following / subscribing to any particular '-ism'? So let me try to put down in words what exactly i feel when i say manickism, it more of an extension or still better a framework through which i understand and assimilate the day today happenings.Its an assimilation of my inner framework + external events, thats why the tag line of my blog say "Orgasm of my thoughts".

So what exactly is 'manickism'? First thing first its a way of life and the way i understand life at this moment. May be some time down the line i am might refine / reject this concept all together, because thats what i am. Always with an open mind to accept new ideas whenever presented with a new facet of information.

Manickism is nothing but oneness / Wholeness. In this 'ism' there is no concept of 'other', Manickism is the I (the bigger I) i consider every living, non living thing as a manisfestation of the same life. There is no place for ego  here.There is no difference between you and me since we both belong to the same seed of life. We may have physically manifested ourselves in two different bodies but in the real sense we all originated from the same pool of life. If you still dont get it, go watch the movie Avatar. The movie is nothing but a grandoise picturization of what i am trying to describe here. It may be totally confusing some of my readers here, but dont worry. It takes some amount of maturity to understand whatever i am saying here. In the meantime you can dismiss this idea or thought i dont mind. After all we all are part of the same life. Whatever i am saying is not something new, its an age old concept. All the ancient books have talked a lot about this. Its just that in the modern rat race we have truly forgotten our roots.

Love you all. God bless universe.

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