Thursday, January 22, 2009

44th President of United States of America

There were 43 presidents who had taken Oath before but why was the 44th President’s Oath and Inauguration speech so important. Was it because, the country is tattering along the brink of collapse? No, he symbolizes the ideals and principles which the founding fathers of the nation aspired for. He is the first Afro American president of the country, where 144 years back civil war was fought and 46 years back Dr.Martin Luther King Jr made the famous ‘I have a dream’ speech in Washington D.C. His inauguration speech was one of the most awaited speeches of the modern historians and anthropologist. Since he is the symbol of change, hope for not only Americans but for people all over the world.

After his inaugural speech Barrack Hussein Obama, Mr. President , takes the office of the most powerful job in this world. As Peter parker in his role as Spider man in the movie said “With great power comes great responsibilities” . Mr. President is no exception to this rule (The outgoing president considered himself to be above this rule, and the rest is history). He is commander in chief who will devise strategy and help us come out of the economic meltdown.

Given his experience as an University Professor Mr. President exhibited his great oratorical skills during his inauguration speech. It was an well rounded speech inspiring fellow citizens and criticizing the past government for the current mess. His inauguration speech covered issues affecting the American economy, both domestic and foreign. He was highly critical of the people who favored the rich and brought down the financial mess the world is currently facing and also promised that people managing public money will be held accountable in his regime. His speech covered issues like Global warming, Research for alternate fuel, Winning the war against terrorism not necessarily by military power, emphasis on Math’s and Science, reaching out to other nations for peace, Unifying the country divided based on partisan lines and based on religion, handing over Iraq to its people and stopping the war in Afghanistan.

In Certain parts of his speech he used words from past presidents who took the office during difficult times. His speech was influenced with ideas / inspiration from Abraham Lincoln ( first president after Civil war), Franklin D Roosevelt (who took office after great depression) and John.F.Kenndy ( who took office when the nation was greatly divided).

So far Mr. President during his campaign days and during his inauguration has made the right noise. Now is the time to demonstrate to his fellow citizens and to the world whether he can Walk the talk.

The central theme of his inauguration speech was “Lets Remake America”.

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