Tuesday, February 26, 2008

My first attempt

Ever wondered how some events in memory keep coming back at us, like a song in a repeat mode in the mp3 players. it has happened to me a lot of time, especially with songs. whenever my father or teachers in my school days scolded me, my mind would start playing some songs in a repeated fashion. as a result i wouldn't have listened to what they scolded me and again i would get scolding for not listening. Phew!!! what a life.

Well yesterday was a bit different. while i was trying to sleep in the early hours after finishing my work, my roommate was listening to a beautiful romantic song. i wondered how the poet could write such meaningful lyrics. i was amazed and awed by the choice of words and the way the poet played with simple but yet meaningful words.

so i got inspired and decided to write a simple poem, thinking about my latest and evergreen crush. :)

If was a poet, I would have written a poem about my feeling,
If I was an artist, I would have painted a picture describing my feelings,
If I was a sculptor, I would have sculpted my feelings
If I was a king, I would have commanded my citizens to do the above

But I am no one special dear, I don't know how to express my thoughts.
Wish you can enter my heart to find them out, but you are far away.
Wish you could see my eye to feel my emotional turbulence but you are far away.

What do I want,
I don't know
I want everything but yet cant take it
Because i haven't met you still.

Is my love peaking
I don't know since
No experience
I like this.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Power or responsbility

sometime back we had a heated discussion among my roommates, which comes first. power or responsibility. although the subject of discussion was different, the underlying theme was this.

consider the following scenario's

a person who is responsible alone can act and can prevent any loss of property or life, if the act involves him only. however if the damage is caused my some one else actions then this person can only fore warn but cannot prevent the other person from proceeding with his action.

now consider a person who has power ( administrative or political or muscle or financial) he can prevent or stop any person from causing any damage. but for that he should have the responsibility to stop another person / entities potentially damaging action. so power without responsibility can only do root cause analysis.

so i like to conclude that a person should first have the power and then the responsibility to prevent any damages from occurring.